Enrolment Details
- Why can't I add more assessments?
- Why can't I add more assessments?
- What are prerequisite courses?
- When do I need to verify my subjects?
- What does it mean when my subject says ‘’unverified mark’’?
- I do not have course codes, what should I add?
- Can I verify my final mark even if I have not received all my individual assessment marks?
- Why does my profile completeness shows outstanding breakdowns if I added some breakdowns?
- How do I verify my final mark?
- What’s the colour codes next to my courses?
- What are course codes?
- Does Mila automatically calculate my final mark?
- How do I add my final mark?
- What is #of sub ass & #of sub ass considered?
- What are assessments?
- What are weightings?
- I'm not sure about the assessment dates, what do I add?
- I do not have all my marks, may I add the breakdowns when I receive the marks?
- I do not know my weightings, what do I add?
- How do I add my breakdowns?
- What are breakdowns/ course outlines?